This lesson was conducted for my Secondary Two students who are currently reading The Boy in the Striped Pajamas.
I conducted a lesson on Setting and Atmosphere. Firstly, I showed them some images to help the students to understand what atmosphere is and how setting helps to create a particular atmosphere. This activity was also planned to aid the students in understanding the adjective that are appropriate when describing a particular atmosphere. After this short activity, I introduced an essay question and got the students to underline the key words and requirements of the question. The worksheet distributed to the students is structured according to the P.E.E.L format. I went through one point with the class by eliciting answers from the students.
The next activity was a group activity. The students have to answer the essay question by coming up with one more point and a drawing of the setting allocated to them. At the end of the lesson, they pasted the A3 sized paper with their completed work on the board behind their class.
This is not exactly a creative lesson, but I only get to see these classes once a week and since they are having their mock exams and MYE soon, I have to be more practical than creative, and no, I don't think the both can go together considering the profile of the students that I'm teaching.
"I have to be more practical than creative, and no, I don't think the both can go together considering the profile of the students that I'm teaching." - is creativity not practical?