Saturday, April 7, 2012

Creative Lesson Plan

The focus of this lesson was to help students to do a recap on the themes in Sing to the Dawn and as well as to teach them how to structure their paragraph effectively by using the “PEEL” structure.
Since students had been taught of the themes of the novel in previous lessons, I started off the lesson by showing them a word splash that includes words that are relevant to the themes and words that are irrelevant. Students are to identify the themes of Sing to the Dawn from the word splash and give explanation to support their answers.  

After that, I introduced the “PEEL” structure to the students. I showed them a sample “PEEL” paragraph and told them that their task was to formulate a “PEEL” paragraph by rearranging sentences.

Students worked in groups for this main activity. Each group was given an envelope that contains cut out sentences from a “PEEL” paragraph about a particular theme. To cater to students with high-ability, certain groups had irrelevant sentences in their envelopes. In their groups, students had to rearrange their sentences so that they will end up with a “PEEL” paragraph that explains the theme they are working on. After they have completed it, I went through the answers with them. (Initially, I wanted the groups to present their paragraph after they have rearranged it and allow their classmates to evaluate their work. However, due to the lack of time, I could not do that. I ended up going through the answers with them instead.)

This lesson was successful as students were excited about the task. They were engaged in their discussions and were eager to complete the task.  

1 comment:

  1. "To cater to students with high-ability, certain groups had irrelevant sentences in their envelopes." I liked this
