Saturday, March 24, 2012

Assessment of Literature at Dunearn

For Secondary 2 students, there is a mixture of both formative and summative assessment. For this term, as we are doing drama, the students have to write 1-2 class tests (using the PEE structure) as well as having to act out a scene in the play (and they will be assessed for their tone, acting, language and expression). In term 1, they had to do 2 in-class tests as well as a poetry project where they have to analyse a chosen poem and present it to the class.

For Secondary 3 students, they have formative assessment such as group projects (example: the video project i mentioned in my previous entry) as well as essay assignment (homework) and in-class test. The formative assessments count towards their CA grade. There is a general shift from a mixture of both formative summative to a more focused exam preparation kind of assessment (more essays than projects) so as to prepare them for O level examinations eventually. 

1 comment:

  1. How's Claudia and Chee Onn? "There is a general shift from a mixture of both formative summative to a more focused exam preparation kind of assessment (more essays than projects) so as to prepare them for O level examinations eventually." - is this a move in the right direction?
