The assessment of Lower Secondary Literature is very much based on formative assessment. Here, the students do not have mid year exams for Literature. This term, my lessons are used solely for SA1 project work rather than teaching content. The Secondary Two Express students are given a choice to either create a children's book or excerpts of a journal(something like 'Diary of Anne Frank')of a particular character, based on the text that they have read in Term 1. They willbe assessed based on their weekly blog reflections and also, the planning and the work process.Since the Literature class meets once a week, students will use the time to complete as much work as they can in class. For the past two weeks, the students were not exactly on task therefore, they usually will meet again after school. The project task requires a lot of work as students are expected to complete these things- the product, group blog, individual reflection and class presentation. To facilitate the grading process and to ensure that they complete the project by the end of practicum, I have provided them with a schedule that they can follow.
However, the project task for the Normal Academic students is simply, with more focus on the creative aspects. Using the Literature text as the basis, students are to select four events that interest them and then, they are expected to create a 3d model of the event. Basically, they have to createa diorama. They are given four weeks to complete this project. In addition, the students will have to write a 50-word reflection to rationalise their choice of scenes and why they have portrayed the scenes as such. I have not started the project with them but I have been asked to teach them how to build these 3D scenes. so far, I have only managed to create a simple scene. I am still looking for a way to teach them how to build these models.What I like about this project is that it is more hands-on and thus, it will appeal to the NA students(hopefully!).
" This term, my lessons are used solely for SA1 project work rather than teaching content. " Do you think this time could have been better spent?