Upper secondary: 1 Sec 4 core Lit class (11 students), 1 Sec 4 elective Lit class, and 1 Sec 3 core Lit class (9 students). Reasons for such a small group: lack of interest, not a practical subject, too hard to do. Texts: The Crucible and The Chrysalids. There is only one teacher teaching the upper secondary Lit cohort, and the small group makes learning conducive.
Lower secondary: Sec 1s are currently engaged in Reader's Theatre with an external vendor, while the Sec 2s are studying Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH. I am involved in teaching the Sec 2s. For term 1, they have covered the plot and the character of Mrs. Frisby. Next term, they will cover themes like animal experimentation and agrarian life. The way the text is taught varies across the classes. There are only 3 periods (2hr 15min) every two weeks, which is very little.
It is going to be a challenge to teach Lit as the Sec 2 students are mostly disinterested and some of them have not even started reading the text. Many of them see no use in studying for it since they are not going to be taking it at upper secondary anyway.
Gosh - looks like u r goin to hav an uphill climb - interested to find out how "the way the text is taught varies across the classes" - how is standardisation done then - food for thot for part two of the blog entry.