Tuesday, September 13, 2011

2. Comic Creator- ReadWriteThink

URL: http://www.readwritethink.org/classroom-resources/student-interactives/comic-creator-30021.html?tab=5#tabs

This website focuses on creating comics for use in Literature class. This is an interesting lesson idea because it encourages students to express their understanding of the text in a creative way. Comics allow students to use visuals to present their interpretation of the text; be it plot, characterisation, settings, and even themes. The lesson plans scaffold the student's learning and motivate them to be engaged in self-directed learning. In particular, the Comic Strip Planning Sheet that is available on the website is useful as it gives students some ideas on how to get started on creating their own comin strip. And teacher often question the rationale for every activity that we do in class and thus, the additional resources and research articles would help teachers to decide the relevance of the activity for their lesson.



  1. I love the idea of involving students' creativity as a means to teach Literature. I think the use of comics is very attractive to students and I like the organization of lesson plans according to age group/target level. It is very user-friendly as well!

    -Li Ying-

  2. It is a great idea to get students to compose their own comic strips in response to a literature text because students these days are visual learners and creating comic strips would make Literature lessons interesting for the students. Also, this comic creator even allows the students to choose the backgrounds and characters. Definitely a fun and hands-on activity for the students!

  3. I thought the designing and creating of comic strips in response to a given literature text was something very refreshing and an activity that can be very engaging. The creation of comic strips can be used as a tool for both teacher and/ or students to summarise the text or even be made into something like a teaser to introduce and encourage the students to read the lit text. Also, this comic strip activity can also become a project that students can undertake, giving teachers an alternative mode to assess a student's progress.
