Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Outta Ray's Head Poetry Lessons

#3: Outta Ray's Head Poetry Lessons
URL: http://home.cogeco.ca/~rayser3/poetry.htm

This is a collection of really innovative ideas (mostly contributed by teachers from around the US, I think) to teach poetry in fun ways. Not every link opens in a new window with a lesson plan, but all the links provide sufficient information and suggested texts to enable us to craft poetry lessons appropriate for/ catered to students in local secondary schools.

What I find interesting are the new ideas and perspectives I'd gain when I read the lesson plans. For instance, "Rap in the Classroom" did not talk about using rap to teach literary techniques; instead, the lesson focused on comprehending poems and the history of rap. My favourites include the lessons that introduce poetry to students via songs, and get students to compose poems (e.g. the haiku) using words such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, or sound words related to certain themes.

PS: The link "Writing" just below the title leads to other lesson plans that provide great ideas for English lessons, which can be modified and used for Literature lessons.


1 comment:

  1. Because this is more like a forum, not every lesson plan is well-developed, but as Pris said it's a good springboard for ideas, especially since almost all of the lesson plans seem to focus on how to deliver content in a fun and accessible way to students. One thing I observed is that the lesson ideas seem to be more geared towards creative writing, and less towards developing analytical skills, hence they might more applicable for lower sec, when exams are not that huge a concern yet.
