Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Literature Lesson Plans | Discovery Education

#2: Literature Lesson Plans Discovery Education
URL: http://www.discoveryeducation.com/search/page/-/-/lesson-plan/literature/index.cfm

This web-site is fascinating in that it provides thorough and focused lesson plans for a variety of good texts from different genres. Texts include Kafka's Metamorphosis, Conrad's Heart of Darkness and Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter. Each lesson plan tells you the duration of the lesson, and lesson objectives (although slightly different from what we've learnt) are clear--a lesson would focus on the use of symbols, or certain themes in the novel. Resources, procedures and links for extra reading are all provided.

One of my favourites is the lesson plan for "Tales of Edgar Allan Poe". Students are to read one of his short stories, identify basic elements of the short story, identify emotions relevealed and create an original piece that portrays these emotions. The lesson plan highlights what we ought to focus on--emotions revealed in psychological thrillers, and at the same time allows room for our own exploring and editing.


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