Tuesday, September 13, 2011

ReadWriteThink, http://www.readwritethink.org/

This website provides a multitude of resources for teaching English Literature (as well as English Language).  I especially like their “Classroom Resources” section, which is full of interesting activities, lesson plans and interactive software for helping students to map their understanding. One of the lesson plans featured when I visited the “Classroom Resources” page was “The Blog of Anne Frank?: Taking on Social Roles through Online Writing”. I found this quite an exciting way to teach literature, and the website’s step-by-step tabs that inform you what resources and preparation you will need, and the instructional plan itself were very useful. Another useful lesson plan that I like is “Speaking Poetry: Exploring Sonic Patterns Through Performance”, which aims to get students to “learn how to use their own voices as interpretive instruments as they explore and construct meaning aloud”, which I feel is a vital element of poetry analysis.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I liked the "classroom resources" section as well; there is a good range of free interactive software and printouts that teachers can easily incorporate into their lesson plans, or else persuade students to access on their own, (though some of them seem more appropriate for younger kids). The lesson plans provided on the website also look relatively creative: ideas like teaching propaganda in lit using online political ads will be effective in stimulating students' interests by bringing in real-world dimensions (hoho).
